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The Wildcard – a secret weapon in business


Do you have a wildcard in your business? A wildcard is your secret weapon! They play devil’s advocate, ask difficult questions, upset the status quo. But they are not there to win a popularity contest; the wildcard incites different thinking. They approach from left field, often quiet while listening out for opportunity. They are tenacious, forceful, and passionate about their ideas. They see the world differently from others and are highly creative. Their minds usually never stop working on troubleshooting an idea or vision.


It may feel uncomfortable at times in the presence of the wildcard – they disrupt the team. They are often dismissed from a business by challenging entrenched thinking at the management level. They ARE challenging. WARNING – your team may feel threatened by their enthusiasm, direct communication, and clarity. But it is the disruption you need; innovation and insight come into play that is valuable to your business and will help you stand out from the crowd. It keeps everyone on their toes is exciting and progressive. Something different, something new, and something not seen before. You want a wild card on your side, on your team working with you. You want them to see all the vulnerable spots of your business; they don’t judge—the facts they need to deal with; delve into like computers analysing every algorithm, statistic, nuance, and strategic approach.


They often work in stealth; you don’t hear from them for periods, they need a quiet space away from distraction as they are working on the next brilliant idea to take your business forward.


Some feel that they are out of control, running wild, running amuck, and should be reined in.

DON’T! You will squash their creativity and enthusiasm, and they will be quick to find an exit from your business.

Remember finding a wild card is a rare find. If you are lucky enough to find one, hang on to them – there aren’t many around!


Understand how to manage a wild card – AKA disrupter

  • Allow them reins and the space to think
  • Understand that their minds are working overtime
  • Expect to hear from them out of hours, as they need to take immediate action
  • They work at a high level, often frustrating for them, they are already living the vision
  • Assure them that the rest of the team will catch up
  • Explore their creative talent with them and any idea, no matter how bizarre it may appear
  • Help the team understand the wildcard and to give them license to explore ideas
  • Keep them engaged; they are project and results-driven
  • They need to move, they do not work well in confined spaces and restricted hours
  • Make them aware that their enthusiasm may need strategic staged release on others
  • Please do not give them repetitive, monotonous tasks; allow them to automate them
  • When assigned to a mission that they are passionate about, they are unstoppable
  • They are reverse engineers – they will pull systems apart and rebuild them
  • Arm them with an implementation team, and the sky is the limit to growth


The wildcard is exceptional in a disaster, able to think quickly on their feet and troubleshoot under pressure. The synapses in their brains fire off in quick succession. Give them time to recoup after a calamity has settled and righted itself due to their quick thinking. They may be exhausted and mentally drained. Showing them appreciation does not hurt either, although they will probably not be looking for accolades, just satisfied by solutions that have worked. Their very efforts produce results. They have their own internal award system from achievements. Be quick to acknowledge them, though; you want to show them that they are appreciated. They will, however, probably say it was a team effort.


If your wildcard ever leaves you, make sure you ask them for feedback about your business. Ask what the wildcard would change about the company if they could. Bury your ego, be open-minded and thick-skinned. It may be the best lesson and insight into valuable profit accelerating tips for your business that you have ever had. Maybe you should have asked them the question sooner?


Believe me, if you want your business to develop and grow and stand out from the crowd with a point of difference….


Find a wildcard as your secret weapon to have in your business’s back pocket!


PLAY your wildcard. It’s your ace to win – no one will ever see you coming!!





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