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2019 – It’s Time to Work Differently

Changing habits to effect change


With the New Year now well underway it’s quite likely that you have already started to see cracks and failings in your New Year’s Resolutions. We all have bad habits we would like to kick or good habits we would like to begin, but it isn’t always easy. Bad habits can prevent you from achieving your goals and can interrupt your life.


Changing habits can hurt and for many of us the ‘Now Me’ constantly undermines the ‘Future Me’.By this, we mean the short-term bias, where the needs of the present outweigh the needs of later.


It does take a bit of effort to change, but doing things in small steps can slowly but surely have a positive impact on your goals. Another approach is to set yourself SMART goals – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Having a clear picture of what you what to achieve in a specified timeframe can not only help motivate you but can help you keep track of your progress.


With that being said, we would like to share our 2019 Resolutions to make our lives, both at and away from work, better.


    • Reduce Waste – This can be done both in and out of the workplace. Reducing waste is so important for the health of our planet and we should all do our bit to help in whatever way we can. We reduce waste in a number of ways, including using biodegradable coffee capsules and reusable coffee cups, going paperless wherever we can, printing smarter, and having reusable water bottles.
    • Brain Health – We only have one brain, we need to do our best to ensure we look after it. To succeed we don’t need to burn ourselves out, so it is important to minimise stress and the hours we work. Parkinson’s law states “work expands to fill the time available for its completion” so working long hours isn’t necessary. We aim to leave work early or on time every day. Sleep is also another major contributing factor to the health of your brain, so we want to set more time aside for preparing for bed and allow ourselves adequate time to sleep
    • Eat Healthily – Now this may be one of the most cliche resolutions out there, but it is perhaps one of the most important (and difficult) ones to achieve on a regular basis. We want to promote bringing your own lunch to work (in reusable containers), cooking your own meals, and healthy snacks.
    • Self-Reflection – Set aside time in your day to reflect on yourself, your day, your achievements and failings (in other words feedback). This can be done at work, on your commute or at home. It’s important to take time to assess your situation and check in with yourself.



Now we want to pass the question off to you, what little habits can you change and how will you put this into action?


Contact us to learn more about how we can help you change your habits, free up time, increase productivity with a reduced workload, improving sustainability habits and elimination of paper waste with cloud accounting and online automation work practices.

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